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A Pillar of Iron
Kirkus Review
One is would be haunted by her ""smiles and the touch of her leaf-like hand"" all through the years even after his loveless marriage to the competent Terentia. Cicero's career, as rising young lawyer, politician, orator; his friendship (""I have loved you as a younger brother"") with Caesar even though he has many reasons to mistrust him, later to oppose him; his final confrontation with Catalina and Catalina's death after a clashing armed assault; Caesar's assassination, then his own, proceed relentlessly. The period is there and so is the history; Pompey, Sulla, Brutus, Mark Antony, Roscius all drape their togas; and for many this old Roman will live ""his essence held within himself like perfumed oil in a vessel."" It is a market that will not be discouraged and can not be discounted.